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周兴付, 杨功田, 李春, 刘杰. 基于耦合模型的高压气井井下节流工艺设计方法研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 74-78.
引用本文: 周兴付, 杨功田, 李春, 刘杰. 基于耦合模型的高压气井井下节流工艺设计方法研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 74-78.
Zhou Xingfu, Yang Gongtian, Li Chun, Liu Jie. Downhole choke technological design method for high pressure well[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 74-78.
Citation: Zhou Xingfu, Yang Gongtian, Li Chun, Liu Jie. Downhole choke technological design method for high pressure well[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 74-78.


Downhole choke technological design method for high pressure well

  • 摘要: 主要针对高压气井冬季易堵、存在较大安全隐患的生产难题, 开展井下节流工艺技术研究。根据井下节流机理, 基于天然气在井筒流动规律和地层径向传热, 建立了井筒压力和流动温度预测数学模型, 并采用精度较高的龙格库塔方法进行数值求解, 采用组分模型和等熵焓变预测节流温降。根据气井产量、水合物生成条件、井筒压力、温度分布预测确定节流工艺参数, 根据所建立的井下节流设计模型, 对川孝452井进行工艺参数设计和现场试验, 取得了良好效果。


    Abstract: The high pressure well is easily blocked by hydrate and bring major potential safety hazard. Aiming at this productive problem, downhole choke engineering research was developed. According to the downhole choke mechanism and based on the gas flow rule in well bore and strata radial heat transission, the well bore pressure and yield temperature forecast mathematical model was built, and solved it by LongGekuta method. Adopted compositional model and constant entropy enthalpy change to forecast choke heat drop. According to the rates, hydrate spanning condition, tub pressure and temperature distribution, and processing parameters were ascertained. Used the downhole choke design model to design the processing parameter and do field test in Chuanxiao 452 well, and got good effect.


