Calibrating horizontal well recoverable reserves of old field with graduation-decline method
摘要: 针对老区水平井开采过程中产量变化快、含水波动大、开采时间短的特点, 探讨应用修匀—等比递减法标定水平井新增可采储量。对年产油量数据序列开始出现明显波动的阶段进行修匀, 生成一个新数据序列。对修匀后的新数据序列, 采用等比递减法, 回归计算生产指标。计算精确度与采集数据质量有很大关系, 建议将年产油除以当年日历天数, 得到年平均日产油, 有利于消除开发时间差异影响。通过对孤东6P1井实际资料的计算, 证明该处理方法可靠性较高。此外, 还对胜利油田34口井资料进行了计算, 结果可信度较高, 证明该方法尤其适用于水平井指标计算, 具有推广应用价值。Abstract: The features of old field horizontal well are large amplitude of production, rapid fluctuations in water cut and short effective time. According to those features, the paper uses graduation-geometric decline method to calibrate old field horizontal well recoverable reserves. First, decorate oil production datum when it begins to decrease obviously, and produce a new datum sequence. Selecting a new beginning point, gets decreasing ratio, and calculate production and recoverable reserves. In addition to it, test this method with the real datum of Gudong 6P1 well spacing pilot area. The applications in the other pilot areas show that the method is simple and useful without other parameters. This method is fitful for old field horizontal well to calculate recoverable reserves, and should be extended and applied.