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冯胜利, 施晓雯, 王永强, 阿雪庆, 石振军. 涩北气田石棉纤维复合防砂工艺研究与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 51-55,91.
引用本文: 冯胜利, 施晓雯, 王永强, 阿雪庆, 石振军. 涩北气田石棉纤维复合防砂工艺研究与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 51-55,91.
Feng Shengli, Shi Xiaowen, Wang Yongqiang, A Xueqing, Shi Zhengjun. The research and application of asbestos-fabric composite sand control in Sebei Gas Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 51-55,91.
Citation: Feng Shengli, Shi Xiaowen, Wang Yongqiang, A Xueqing, Shi Zhengjun. The research and application of asbestos-fabric composite sand control in Sebei Gas Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 51-55,91.


The research and application of asbestos-fabric composite sand control in Sebei Gas Field

  • 摘要: 针对涩北气田玻璃纤维复合防砂种类单一、费用较高, 并且在施工过程中存在不同程度的堵塞油管现象, 开展了石棉纤维复合体的优选研究。通过大量的室内实验, 筛选了石棉纤维的种类, 研制了其复合体的配方, 补充了涩北气田纤维复合防砂体系。研制的配方:涂料砂+0.5%6-40石棉+10%ZCF外固化剂。该项工艺在涩5-2-3井上应用后, 结果表明石棉纤维与玻璃纤维相比, 更易与携砂液和砂混和, 更易泵送, 且不会堵塞油管。因此现场防砂工艺取得了一次性应用成功, 并进一步证明了石棉纤维复合防砂的适应性。截止2006年11月底, 该井工作制度稳定在6 mm时不出砂正常生产, 平均产气稳定在6.1×104m3/d左右, 产水0.17 m3/d左右, 累计产气1 309.8×104m3


    Abstract: There is only one kind of glass fabric composite, high cost and tubing plugging caused by the composite, in order to solve this problem, research of asbestos-fabric composite optimizing selection is carried on. By means of a great deal of indoor experiments, asbestos fabric is chosen and its composite formula is developed, thus the sand control system of fabric composites is supplemented. The formula is coated sand+0.5%6-40 asbestos+10%ZCF externally consolidating agent. After the application of the sand control to Well Se5-2-3, the result shows that asbestos fabric mixes with sand carrier and sand more easily, and is pumped more easily than glass fabric. In addition, asbestos fabric does not plug tubing. So the first application of asbestos fabric sand control is successful and the adaptability of asbestos fabric sand control is farther proved. By the end of November of 2006, this well had been in normal production with choke of 6 mm, with no sand fluxing, and with average gas yield of 6.1×104m3/d and water yield of 0.17 m3/d.


