A study on accelerating the solubility of hydrophobically associate polymer for offshore oilfield
摘要: 因为疏水侧基的存在, 具有优异性能的疏水缔合聚合物溶解性较差, 成为海上油田聚合物驱技术大规模应用的瓶颈, 因而有必要对加速疏水缔合聚合物的溶解方法进行研究。室内实验证实疏水缔合聚合物的溶胀与溶解有明显的界限。疏水缔合聚合物干粉溶解的关键在于加速溶胀胶团中的疏水缔合聚合物分子向溶剂水中的分子扩散运动。由费克定律可知, 对疏水缔合聚合物来说, 溶解速度主要由固液比界面所支配, 缩小溶胀胶团尺寸, 就可以成指数倍增加溶胀胶团的表面积。所以溶胀胶团的尺寸越小, 溶解越快。在室内通过使溶胀胶团在一定流动压差下强制过筛网, 即用机械方法缩小溶胀胶团的尺寸, 可以显著加快其溶解速度, 使溶解时间缩短, 这为海上油田矿场进行疏水缔合聚合物配制工艺的改进提供了依据。Abstract: For the existence of hydrophobic group, the solubility of hydrophobically associate polymer becomes difficult, which is the bottleneck for widespreading polymer flooding in offshore oilfield. So it is necessary to study how to accelerate the solubility of hydrophobically associate polymer from technology. Laboratory experiments indicate that there is obvious division between the solubility and bulge of hydrophobically associate polymer. The crucial effect on its dissolution rate is how to fasten the molecular diffusion from the bulge to water. According to the Fick' s law, the overall dissolution rate of hydrophobically associate polymer is dominated by contact surface between the bulge and water. The smaller the bulge size, the quicker the dissolution. Experimental results show that the dissolution time is shorten by making the bulge granule overpassing screens under certain pressure. This method provides evidence for accelerating polymer dissolution for offshore oilfield.