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杨文达, 刘望军. 海洋高分辨率地震技术在浅部地质勘探中的运用[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 18-25.
引用本文: 杨文达, 刘望军. 海洋高分辨率地震技术在浅部地质勘探中的运用[J]. 海洋石油, 2007, 27(2): 18-25.
Yang Wenda, Liu Wangjun. Marine high-resolution seismic techniques applying in the geological exploration of shallow strata[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 18-25.
Citation: Yang Wenda, Liu Wangjun. Marine high-resolution seismic techniques applying in the geological exploration of shallow strata[J]. Offshore oil, 2007, 27(2): 18-25.


Marine high-resolution seismic techniques applying in the geological exploration of shallow strata

  • 摘要: 在进行500~1000 m以浅地层的勘探中, 高分辨率地震勘探技术是十分经济有效的地质勘探方法, 它较二维常规地震勘探具更高的地层分辨率, 可识别出常规地震方法无法反映的薄层状地层、小构造及年轻的新构造痕迹, 具有二维地震无法替代的作用。根据本系统多年来在海上高分辨率地震勘探中的经验, 结合有关理论, 总结整理出了高分辨率地震勘探中需要重视的技术问题, 并介绍了一些运用高分辨率地震勘探获得的地质成果, 可为浅部地质勘探提供参考。


    Abstract: High-resolution exploration is a more economic and effective way in the exploration of 500 1 000 meters' shallow strata. The resolution of strata obtained from high-resolution seismic exploration is higher than routine 2D seismic exploration. High-resolution seismic is able to distinguish the thin stratum, small structure and young tectonic feature and is irreplaceable by 2D seismic exploration. According to the long working experiences about high-resolution exploration from No. 1 Marine Geological Investigation Party, Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Bureau, this paper sums up some important technical experiences of high-resolution seismic exploration on the basis of some theories of high-resolution seismic exploration, and introduces some geological examples of application to indicate that exploring technique is an crucial factor to obtain ideal geological results.


