The optimization design of perforating parameters based on orthogonal test method for horizontal wells
摘要: 目前水平井射孔完井已在国内外各油田取得了广泛的应用, 射孔参数的优化是水平井经济、高效生产运行的关键。在建立了基于正交试验的水平井射孔参数优化设计模型的基础上, 研究并筛选了影响水平井射孔完井产能的9个主要因素, 分析了各因素对水平井产能影响的权重, 优化了射孔完井参数方案, 为水平井射孔参数优化提供了新的方法和技术支持。Abstract: The perforated completion of horizontal wells has been used widely at home and abroad. The optimization perforating parameters are critical for economic and high-efficiency production of horizontal wells. The optimization design models are established for perforating parameters of horizontal wells based on the orthogonal test method, and 9 important factors are selected, meanwhile the influence of various factors on the horizontal well productivity is analyzed. Perforated completion parameters scheme is optimized. The study provided a new method and technical support for perforating parameter optimization of horizontal wells.