Physical simulation experiments of oil displacement by injection of high temperature gas mixture in Zhaoyuan Oilfield
摘要: 针对肇源油田常规开发效果差的特点, 开展了高温混合气驱油物理模拟实验。采用基础管式物理模拟试验装置, 分别进行了不同气汽比对比、不同大小注气段塞对比、不同温度以及地层温度注气与气水同注的高温混合气驱油室内实验。结果表明, 随着混合气温度的提高, 驱油效率增加, 气汽比为1:1、采用段塞驱、烟道气与水蒸汽复合同注时, 驱油效果最好。Abstract: Physical simulation experiments have been conducted by injection of high-temperature gas mixture because the oil field development results are very poor with conventional water flooding method in Zhaoyuan Oilfield. Using the basic tube-type physical simulation device, laboratory gas injection or gas-water mixture injection experiment was conducted and the results were compared by using different gas steam ratio, different slug of injected gas, and different injection temperature and formation temperature. The results showed that the oil displacement efficiency increased when increasing the temperature of the mixed gas, and oil displacement effect is the best when injecting flue gas-water slug with 1:1 fuel gas-steam ratio.