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任艳滨, 卢祥国, 赵兰兰, 张运来. Cr3+在改善三元复合驱中的作用实验研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2008, 28(4): 50-54.
引用本文: 任艳滨, 卢祥国, 赵兰兰, 张运来. Cr3+在改善三元复合驱中的作用实验研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2008, 28(4): 50-54.
Ren Yanbin, Lu Xiangguo, Zhao Lanlan, Zhang Yunlai. Experimental study on the effect of Cr3+ on improving ASP[J]. Offshore oil, 2008, 28(4): 50-54.
Citation: Ren Yanbin, Lu Xiangguo, Zhao Lanlan, Zhang Yunlai. Experimental study on the effect of Cr3+ on improving ASP[J]. Offshore oil, 2008, 28(4): 50-54.


Experimental study on the effect of Cr3+ on improving ASP

  • 摘要: 在三元复合驱矿场应用实践中, 由于三元复合体系自身流度控制能力的局限性, 必须通过聚合物凝胶前置段塞来改善吸液剖面, 这就涉及到聚合物凝胶与三元复合体系的配伍性。通过向三元复合体系中加入有机铬, 考察Cr3+对三元复合体系黏度、界面张力和阻力系数等性能影响, 进而对Cr3+聚合物凝胶与三元复合体系配伍性以及Cr3+在改善三元复合体系性能方面的作用做出评价。结果表明, Cr3+的加入对三元复合体系黏度和界面张力影响不大, 但阻力系数和残余阻力系数却明显增加。当采用Cr3+聚合物凝胶作为前置段塞或采用添加Cr3+的三元复合体系进行复合驱油实验时, 其采收率增加幅度都要高于普通三元复合驱。这不仅显示出Cr3+聚合物凝胶与三元复合体系间良好的配伍性, 而且为改善三元复合驱增油效果提供了新的途径。


    Abstract: For the limitation of control ability in ASP system, it is necessary to improve fluid entry profile by pre-slug of polymer gel in oil field application. It is related to the compatibility between the polymer gel and ASP. By adding organic chromium to ASP, the effect on the properties of ASP added with Cr3+ was investigated including viscosity, interracial tension, resistance factor, and so on. The compatibility between the Cr3+ polymer gel and ASP and the effect on improving the properties of ASP added with Cr3+ was evaluated. The experimental results show that the Cr3+ has little influence on the viscosity and interracial tension of ASP, and there is a outstanding increase on resistance factor and residual resistance factor. The oil recovery is higher than using ordinary ASP to oil flooding. That not only shows the good compatibility between the Cr3+ polymer gel and ASP system, but also provides a new method to improve the effect of ASP system.


