Evaluation of polymer flooding technology used in Jingzhou 9-3 Oilfield
摘要: 聚合物驱油技术适用于非均质的中质和较重质油藏, 与其他提高采收率技术比较起来相对简单, 更符合海上油田安全环保要求。根据渤海锦州9-3油田油藏特性和聚合物结构性能, 结合海上平台特点, 研制出具有高效增黏、较好的抗剪切性、良好流动性和驱油效果的高抗盐聚合物3640D。该聚合物首次用于海上油田单井聚合物驱先导试验见到了显著的增油降水效果, 正在进行中的井组聚合物驱试验也已初步显示出增产效果, 表明聚合物3640D作为锦州9-3油田的驱油剂在技术上是可行的, 在海上类似油田的聚合物驱技术中具有广阔的应用前景。Abstract: Polymer flooding technology is applicable for non-homogeneous medium and heavy oil reservoir. It is simpler compared with other EOR technologies, and more suitable for HSE requirements in offshore oilfield. According to the reservoir features and polymer structure property, combining with offshore platform features, a salt resisting polymer has developed which has high viscosifying action, better shearing resistance, fluidity and displacement characteristics. It was the first time to use polymer 3640D to do pilot test of single well polymer flooding in offshore oilfield, and obtained remarkable effect of increased oil and decreased water. The multiple wells polymer flooding test also increased oil production. It is indicated that using polymer 3640D as an oil displacement agent is feasible in Jingzhou 9-3 Oilfield and it had broad application prospects in the polymer flooding technology of similar offshore oilfield.