Xihu Depression is located in the eastern depression zone of the East China Sea shelf basin, and has experienced two tectonic movements including the initial rifting and lateral compression during Neozoie Era. A series of inversed structures were formed at that time such as simple inversion and back-thrusting structure or "Y" style inversion structure, graben like back-thrusting or ramp-thrusting inversion structure, high angle imbricate thrust structure, posthumous imbricate thrust structure, back-thrusting imbricate thrust structure, "flower-like" back-thrusting structure, and so on. Three kinds of inverted structure zones are well developed in the sag, such as the Eastern Margin, the Central Inverted Structure Zone and West Slope. The strongest inversion happened in Central Inverted Structure zone followed by Eastern Margin and West Slope. The structure inversion styles and its dynamics process are mainly relevant to the inversion of the listric fault zone of the half graben rift steep slope.