Feature of pool-forming dynamics and mechanism in central and southern part of Xihu Depression
摘要: 西湖凹陷以始新世末的玉泉运动和中新世末的龙井运动形成的不整合面为界, 将盆地的发展演化分为裂陷、坳陷和区域沉降三个阶段。在盆地演化的不同阶段, 不同构造带的沉降速率存在差异, 烃源岩的热成熟演化史也不一致。生、排烃史模拟表明:平湖组烃源岩的生烃强度最高, 花港组烃源岩的生烃强度相对较小;中央背斜带及其两侧深凹部位烃源岩的生烃强度大于保斜坡带;主要应用Basin Mod盆地模拟软件系统, 通过对流体势、温压系统、异常压力的分析, 探讨西湖凹陷中南部油气运聚成藏的机理。Abstract: The tectonic evolution of Xihu Depression can be divided into three phases (rifting, thermal subsidence and regional sagging) by two unconformities formed by Yuquan Movement (Later Eocene) and Longjing Movement (Later Miocene). The sagging rate and source maturation are different in different structural belts and times. Basin simulation shows the source rocks in Pinghu Group have bigger petroleum generation ability than that of Huagang Group. The article mainly discusses the mechanism of petroleum migration and pool forming of Xihu Depression through the analysis of fluid potential, temperature and pressure system, and abnormal pressure using Basin Mod software.