Application of the guar gum insulation technology to offshore oil pipelines
摘要: 在海底输油管道修复过程中, 为将原油对海洋的污染程度降到最低, 保证修复作业的安全和顺利进行, 开发应用胍胶隔离技术进行管道油水置换隔离。通过现场调研、实验室配方筛选、理论计算与分析, 确定了胍胶隔离技术方案, 并在现场顺利实施。结果表明该技术在修复海底管道时可有效地将原油泄露对环境的污染降到最小程度, 胍胶段塞在海底管道中的隔离作用是稳定的。Abstract: During the repair of offshore oil pipeline, in order to mitigate ocean environment pollution caused by crude oil leakage, and guarantee the safety of repairs, the guar gum insulation technology is developed and applied to insulate and purge the crude oil. Theoretical calculation, analysis and experiment show that this technology is feasible and was successfully used in the repair of Pinghu offshore oil pipelines.