Analysis of the inhibition displacement effect influenced by the surface active agent in low permeability fractured sandstone reservoir
摘要: 由于低渗裂缝性油藏储集空间物理性质的复杂性和特殊性,渗吸效果控制着低渗透裂缝性油藏水驱开发动态与开发效果,而现场所采用的表面活性剂对渗吸驱油效果的影响将决定着措施成败。在分析油藏渗吸驱油机理基础上,通过对比实验研究,综合分析了不同种类和浓度表活剂对渗吸驱油效果的影响。总体上岩心渗吸驱油效率随表活剂浓度增加而降低,但一定浓度的,能较好的改善岩石表面润湿性的表活剂溶液将有助于渗吸驱油。这一研究为制定低渗裂缝性油藏合理的渗吸注水开发方式提供了理论依据。Abstract: The physical nature of the low-permeability fractured reservoir is complex and very special,and the water flooding exploitation is decided by the inhibition effect which depends on the surface active agent used in field.Analyzing the oil reservoir inhibition displacement mechanism and comparing experiment results,this paper analyzes the effect of different surface active agent with different concentration on inhibition displacement.Generally,the effect of core's inhibition displacement is declining with the increasing of concentration of the surface active agent,but surface active agent with a certain degree concentration can improve the core's surface wettability and is helpful to the inhibition displacement.This research provides theoretic basis for carrying out inhibition water flooding.