The development efficiency analysis of the condensate gas reservoirs with middle-high permeability,Pinghu Field,the East China Sea
摘要: 东海平湖油气田放鹤亭始新统平湖组气藏,属中高渗砂岩中低凝析油含量凝析气藏,1999年3月投入生产,采用衰竭式开采,至今已有8个年头,目前仍处于开发稳产阶段,日生产天然气量在140×104m3左右。通过对平湖油气田凝析气藏开发生产状况跟踪研究发现,其采气速度高、主力气藏气井无水采气期普遍较长、气油比随着压力下降而上升、凝析油含量随着压力下降而下降、天然气采收率将优于开发方案设计值,同时也发现,防止气井出水、出砂是中高渗凝析气藏开发中应予以高度重视的问题。平湖油气田凝析气藏开发,在技术上和经济上都取得了较好的效果,可以借鉴于类似凝析气田的开发实践中。Abstract: The gas reservoirs in Pinghu formation(Eocene) of Fangheting Structure in Pinghu Field in the East China Sea are condensate gas reservoirs with low-middle condensate gas ratio in middle-high permeabil-ity sandstones.It has been put into depletion production for 8 years since the March of 1999,its production is still stable now with daily gas production of 140×104m3.Through researches on the present development and production performance of the Pinghu gas reservoirs,it is found the gas recovery rate was high,water free gas production period in gas wells was long,GOR raised and condensate content decreased with pressure depletion,and the recovery ratio was higher than the designed value of development scenario.It also shows that prevention of water and sand control in gas wells are very important in developing conden-sate gas reservoir with middle-high permeability.The development of condensate gas reservoirs of Pinghu Field is very successful in technological and economic aspects and can be used to similar gas reservoirs.