Analysis on Cenozoic paleogeotemperature of Jiyang Depression
摘要: 济阳坳陷是胜利油田重要的勘探区域,确定其古地温对研究坳陷的生烃史和油气成藏史具有重要的意义。综合应用自生伊利石结晶度和自生绿泥石化学成分,得出济阳坳陷新生代古地温梯度为37.2~38.2℃/km。同时,也证明了利用自生伊利石结晶度和自生绿泥石化学成分计算古地温是一种快速并行之有效的方法。Abstract: Jiyang Depression is an important exploration area in Shengli Oilfield.It is very important to de-cide its paleotemperature for the study of hydrocarbon generation history and pool forming history.Through integrated study of crystallinity of authigenic illite and chemical constitution of authigenic chlorite,it is concluded that the Cenozoic paleogeothermal gradient is from 37.2℃/km to 38.2℃/ km and it is also proved this is an effective way to study the basin thermal history.