Application of high density bispectral analyzing method to velocity analysis in anisotropy media
摘要: 地下地质体都存在不同程度的各向异性,对大偏移距和各向异性介质,反射动校时差曲线是非双曲线型的,复杂介质中的速度分析必须考虑各向异性的问题。因此介绍了法国CGG公司的高密度双谱速度分析法,解决了垂向非均匀介质中各向异性问题,在叠前时间偏移的实际应用中取得了良好的效果。Abstract: The moveout curve is non-hyperbolic because of the anisotropy in different scales,especially large offsets or steep dips.So the velocity analysis is complex and must take anisotropy into account.In this pa-per the application of high-density velocity analysis of CGG to resolve velocity analysis in anisotropy media is introduced.It's proven effective for PSTM in real seismic data.