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郑花利, 于虹. 水驱开发指标的数学模型联解预测方法[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 86-89.
引用本文: 郑花利, 于虹. 水驱开发指标的数学模型联解预测方法[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 86-89.
Zheng Huali, Yu Hong. The mathematical models combined solution to predict water flooding development index[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 86-89.
Citation: Zheng Huali, Yu Hong. The mathematical models combined solution to predict water flooding development index[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 86-89.


The mathematical models combined solution to predict water flooding development index

  • 摘要: 油田进入高含水后期, 在生产压差和井网条件基本不变的条件下, 产量将按照-定的规律开始递减。萨中已开发区块水驱递减类型符合指数递减模型, 该模型只能预测产油量、累积产油量和可采储量, 不能预测水驱油田的含水率、产水量和产液量。将指数递减模型与丙型水驱特征曲线相结合, 可以预测水驱油田各项开发指标。对于投产时间短、还未出现产量递减的三次加密的井, 先利用油田水驱采收率与井网密度经验关系预测加密调整井的可采储量, 然后采用广义翁氏与丙型水驱特征曲线联解法进行开发指标预测。


    Abstract: During later high-water cut stage of oilfield development, the conditions of production pressure and flooding pattern were basically unchanged, production must decrease in accordance with the law of declining. The type of water flooding declining in Sazhong oilfield is in line with the index declining model, which can only predict oil production, cumulative oil production and recoverable reserves, it can't predict the water cut, water production and liquid production of water flooding oil field. If combining index declining model with Type C water flooding featrue curve, we will predict more development indexes in water flooding oil field. As tertiary infill wells have been put into production for not a long time, the production havn't declined yet, the recoverable reserves of the infill wells can be predicted using the expirical relationships between flooding recovery and well density first, and then predict the development index with the combined solution of generalized Weng's model and Type C water flooding featrue curve.


