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卢红霞, 陈振林, 李天义. 构造坡折带隐蔽圈闭发育模式浅析[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 42-46.
引用本文: 卢红霞, 陈振林, 李天义. 构造坡折带隐蔽圈闭发育模式浅析[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 42-46.
Lu Hongxia, Chen Zhenlin, Li Tianyi. Theory of developmental model of subtle trap formed by structural slope break zone[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 42-46.
Citation: Lu Hongxia, Chen Zhenlin, Li Tianyi. Theory of developmental model of subtle trap formed by structural slope break zone[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 42-46.


Theory of developmental model of subtle trap formed by structural slope break zone

  • 摘要: 构造坡折带是由同沉积构造长期活动引起的沉积斜坡明显突变的地带, 对盆地充填的可容纳空间和沉积作用可产生重要的影响, 构造坡折带和油气资源分布有着较为密切的关系。隐蔽圈闭是沉积盆地油气勘探中后期重点勘探领域。构造坡折带是沉积盆地中隐蔽圈闭最发育的部位之-, 多级构造坡折带组合对盆地隐蔽圈闭的发育有-定的影响, 多级构造坡折带隐蔽圈闭发育更受到沉积环境和湖平面变化的影响;构造坡折带地区隐蔽圈闭油气成藏良好, 高位域和三角洲前缘泥岩是良好的烃源岩, 连片砂体和不整合界面及生长断裂是良好的输导条件, 生长断裂和高位域泥岩具有良好的封盖作用。


    Abstract: The structural slope break zone (SSBZ) is initiated by the long term activity of syndepositional structure which constrains the change in the accommodation space of the basins, controls the development of the depositional sequence and the distribution of the depositional system tracts and the sand bodies, and results in the abrupt change of the depositional slope. Researches show that distribution of petroleum is closely connected with the SSBZ. Subtle traps are considered as the key exploration targets in the future. Traps formed by structural slope belt and incised valley traps are dominated by oil and gas. The reservoir forming condition is good on the structural slope break zone.


