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赵勇刚, 张树林. 松南十屋断陷深层油气成藏条件与模式研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 21-25.
引用本文: 赵勇刚, 张树林. 松南十屋断陷深层油气成藏条件与模式研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2009, 29(1): 21-25.
Zhao Yonggang, Zhang Shulin. Study on petroleum accumulation of deep zone in Shiwu Fault Depression south of Songliao Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 21-25.
Citation: Zhao Yonggang, Zhang Shulin. Study on petroleum accumulation of deep zone in Shiwu Fault Depression south of Songliao Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2009, 29(1): 21-25.


Study on petroleum accumulation of deep zone in Shiwu Fault Depression south of Songliao Basin

  • 摘要: 十屋断陷是断坳叠置的复合盆地, 充填了巨厚的断陷地层。其深部地层包括登娄库组、营城组、沙河子组以及火石岭组。在十屋断陷深部沉积了沙河子组-营城组和登娄库组两套烃源岩和良好的储盖层组合;由于断陷构造运动, 形成大量的断裂构造和不整合面, 构成了油气运移的有效通道, 同时还形成有效断裂、断鼻构造圈闭以及不整合圈闭。综合分析认为, 十屋断陷深部具有有利油气成藏生储盖组合。主要有下生上储式、自生自储式和上生下储式三种成藏模式。


    Abstract: Shiwu Fault Depression is a composite basin where fault superimposed, its deep formations included Denglouku Formation (K1d), Yingcheng Formation (K1yc), Shahezi Formation (K1s) and Huoshiling Formation (J3h). Two sets of source rocks and good reservoir-cap rock combination deposited in deep zone of Shiwu Fault Depression. Plenty of faults and unconformities were formed by the tectonic movement in Shiwu Fault Depression, so that effective migration paths of petroleum accumulation were formed. Simultaneously, some effective faults, faulted nose structural traps and some unconformity traps were formed. Generally speaking, there is available source-reservoir-cap assembly in the deep part of Shiwu Fault Depression which formed three modes of petroleum accumulation including the younger soure and older reservoir mode, the self soure and reservoir combination and the older source and younger reservoir mode.


