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梁连喜, 蒲庆南, 梁若冰, 贺津湘. 东海西湖凹陷地质结构与局部构造特征[J]. 海洋石油, 1997, 17(3): 1-6.
引用本文: 梁连喜, 蒲庆南, 梁若冰, 贺津湘. 东海西湖凹陷地质结构与局部构造特征[J]. 海洋石油, 1997, 17(3): 1-6.
Liang lianxi, Pu Qingnan, Liang Ruobing, He Jinxiang. Geological Framework and Closure Structure of the Xihu Sag in the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 1997, 17(3): 1-6.
Citation: Liang lianxi, Pu Qingnan, Liang Ruobing, He Jinxiang. Geological Framework and Closure Structure of the Xihu Sag in the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 1997, 17(3): 1-6.


Geological Framework and Closure Structure of the Xihu Sag in the East China Sea

  • 摘要: 东海西湖凹陷是一个新生代含油气构造单元。晚中生代末期以来,经历了古新世-始新世的裂谷盆地阶段.渐新世-中新世的盆地反转阶段和上新世-第四纪的区域沉降阶段。发育断块型、挤压背斜型、冲断推覆型等多种局部构造,为西湖凹陷大中型油气田的形成提供了必备的圈闭条件。


    Abstract: The Xihu Sag of the East China Sea is a petroliferous unit that developed in Cenozoic and is three-order Structure unit of the Esat China Sea Shelf Basin. Since the latest of Cretaceous, the Xihu Sag had been undergoing rifting Stage during the Paleocene and the Eocene, inversion Stage during the Oligocene and the Miocene, and regional subsidence stage during the Pliocene and the Quaternary. The sag exists a lot of Closures of structure, classified three types:fault block, pressed antic line and fold-thrust structure, which provided for the basis of the formation of oil and gas traps.


