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周平, 曾广东, 刘金水. 东海平北区带群体型气田勘探评价和经济评估[J]. 海洋石油, 1998, 18(4): 8-14.
引用本文: 周平, 曾广东, 刘金水. 东海平北区带群体型气田勘探评价和经济评估[J]. 海洋石油, 1998, 18(4): 8-14.
Zhou ping, Zheng guangdong, Liu jinshui. Exploratory and Economic Evalution on Group-style Gas Field in Pingbei Zone of the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 1998, 18(4): 8-14.
Citation: Zhou ping, Zheng guangdong, Liu jinshui. Exploratory and Economic Evalution on Group-style Gas Field in Pingbei Zone of the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 1998, 18(4): 8-14.


Exploratory and Economic Evalution on Group-style Gas Field in Pingbei Zone of the East China Sea

  • 摘要: 东海平北区带是断块型油气富集区。针对平北区带地质构造复杂、储层砂体变化大、已发现油气藏开发经济效益不理想的问题,开展了以断层封堵性、含气砂体追踪和异常压力分布为重点的群体型断块气田整体展布和富集规律研究及开发技术经济评价。研究结果表明,平北区带的油气藏具有群体连片的特点,初步评价天然气地质储量达到大、中型气田的储量规模。因此,平北区带是东海又一个油气开发基地,完全有条件成为平湖油气田的接替区。租用平湖油气田的管线为最经济的开发方案,具有良好的经济效益。


    Abstract: Pingbei Zone is a petroleum-enriched area consisted by a group of fault blocks. In order to well understand its complex seal system of fault-planes and lateral change of reservoirs, and to solve the problem that the individal gas pool found in the Zone does not have good profit for developing,the fllowing studies have mainly heen concerned:fault seal analysis, reservoir tracing, analysis on the distribution feature of abnormal pressure, economic evaluation for developing technology. It is a outcome that Pingbei Zone can form a group-style gasfield based on about dozen adjacent faultblocks. According to the total reserve that was preliminary estimated, it shall belong to a big-medium size gasfield on the sea, and it is quite qualified to become a succeeding area of Pinghu oil/gas field. It is the most economic plan to rent the pipelines of Pinghu field to send gas to land.


