Discussion on the Source Rock of Deep Strata in Xihu Trough, the East China Sea
摘要: 西湖凹陷位于东海陆架盆地东北部浙东坳陷的东部,长期以来由于深层地层资料太少对同裂谷期烃源岩很少探讨,本文依据裂谷演化的一般规律,重新认识后裂谷期平湖组地质特征,综合区域地质资料,对深层源岩的成因机制作浅显的探讨。Abstract: Xihu Trough located at east-north part of the shelf basin in the East China Sea, had long been short in these data available for deep strata and resulted in less possibilities of discussion on the source rock of deep strata. This paper puts forward some views about genetic mechanism of source rock within deep strata according to general laws of rift-basin evolution, new points of geological characteristics of Pinghu Fm. developed in postrift, and regional geologic data.