The Integrated Navigation Positioning and Telemetry Control System For Two Boat Seismic Operation
摘要: 本文介绍在双船地震作业中,用GPS接收的1PPS秒脉冲作同步时标基准,双船采用无线数传和专用的时序逻辑控制板,进行同步地震数据采集的综合导航定位和遥测遥控系统,其中包括双船地震对导航定位和遥测遥控的要求,系统的方案设计,系统的硬件配置和设备联接,软件系统和功能,以及实施和试验应用情况。Abstract: This paper introduces the integrated navigation positioning and telemetry control system (INPTCS) to conduct the synchronous seismic data acquisition in two boat seismic operation, which utilizes 1PPS (1 pulses per second) received by GPS as the synchronous datum of timing standard, the radio telemetry data transfer between two boats and the special timing sequence logic control board, including the navigation positioning and telemetry control requirements for two boat seismic operation, the system configuration and the device interconnection, the software system and its function, as well as its execution and its application.