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彭伟欣. 东海油气田开发应将经济效益放在重要位置[J]. 海洋石油, 2000, 20(3): 23-28.
引用本文: 彭伟欣. 东海油气田开发应将经济效益放在重要位置[J]. 海洋石油, 2000, 20(3): 23-28.
Peng Weixin. To Put Economic Benefit to Important Place at Exploitation of Oil/gas Fields in the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2000, 20(3): 23-28.
Citation: Peng Weixin. To Put Economic Benefit to Important Place at Exploitation of Oil/gas Fields in the East China Sea[J]. Offshore oil, 2000, 20(3): 23-28.


To Put Economic Benefit to Important Place at Exploitation of Oil/gas Fields in the East China Sea

  • 摘要: 本文例举了国内外海上油气田成功开发,以及因开发方案、上下游衔接不和谐原因,致使油气田开发的经济效益存在一定差异的经验及教训。并针对上海海洋石油局在东海陆架盆地经过20多年的勘探已发现平湖、春晓等8个油气田,玉泉等一批含油气构造的勘探开发形势,提出了东海油气田开发应将经济效益放在重要位置,争取在取得良好社会效益的同时,获得最佳的经济效益。此外,还介绍了有关专家对气(油)田开发及下游利用必须建立健全法规的建议。


    Abstract: This paper illustrates the experiences in successful exploitation of gas/oil fields at home and abroad, simultaneously analyses the lessons of different economic benefit obtained from exploiting fields causing by incomplete plans and unharmonious link from upstream to downstream.Moreover, facing the situation that during the last 20 years of exploration on the Shelf Basin of the East China Sea, 8 gas/oil fields like Pinghu, Chunxiao and a group of gas/oil bearing structures have been founded by Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Bureau, this paper proposes to pay enough attention to the economic benefit of exploitation, and to obtain, when getting good social influence, the best economic benefit as well.Last the paper presents the suggestions proposed by specialists of setting up sound laws and regulations on the exploitation of gas/oil fields and the utilization of downstream.


