Assessment of Ghosts in Marine Seismic Data
摘要: 本文从理论上较为详细地分析和探讨了海上地震虚反射产生的物理过程,根据海上地震虚反射的模,计算了不同震源深度或电缆深度的Z-f特性曲线,并从实际的东海深海地震频谱资料上测得了虚反射。这对研究海上地震虚反射,探讨震源沉放深度和电缆沉放深度对地震信号频率特征的影响,具有一定的指导意义。Abstract: Physical mechanism and mathematical model of ghosts in marine seismic data are analyzed and inferred in theory. In accordance with modulus of the ghosts the Z-F curves with varied depths of sources or cables are calculated. Ghost responses are obtained from frequency spectrum of field data, which are directive to assessment and research of the ghosts in marine data.