Approach for Studying the Flow Units on the Sea
摘要: 研究流动单元的井间分布,对于二次采油、特别是三次采油采取合理的注采方案具有重要意义。作者以南海东部某油藏为例,以沉积学理论为基础,利用灰色关联聚类,蒙特卡洛预测等方法,宏观与微观相结合,提出了一套预测单井流动单元并进行井间内插的方法,可以直接为开发方案的调整提供依据Abstract: It is very significant for the secondary recovery, especially for the third recovery to take reasonable project of injecting and extraction to study the flow units inter-well. Based on the deposit theory, and by using the method of gray correlative clustering and Monte Carlo forecast, data of South China Sea were selected in this paper to develope the method of flow units inter-well prediction and method of interpolating,which provides the evidence for the adjastment of developing project.