Petroleum Resource Assessment :the Present State and Development Trend
摘要: 油气资源评价是油气勘探决策的基础,其评价结果影响着油气的勘探方向和投资方向,同时其所提供的信息及其可靠程度也影响着某一地区的勘探进程。作者将目前存在的资源评价方法分成三大类,即物质平衡法、储层体积法和发现过程法,并系统阐述了每一类方法的适用范围及其优势与不足,指出目前所存在各类方法中,都没有提供油气资源空间分布的定量预测信息。随着今后勘探程度的提高及勘探难度的加大,为了最大限度地降低勘探风险,提高勘探效益,定量预测油气资源的空间分布将是油气资源评价发展的主要方向。Abstract: Petroleum resource assessment is the basis of exploration decision, and the results from assessment have a great effect on exploration investment and process of exploration. This paper divides the evaluation methods into three main types, i.e. material balance method, reservoir volume method and discovery process method. The superiority and disappearance of each type of method are also presented in the paper. The methods exist at present can not provide the information of quantitative spatial distribution. In order to decrease the exploration risks and increase the exploration benefits, quantitative prediction of petroleum spatial distribution will be the main development trend of resource appraisal.