Dynamic Analysis of Development in Five Block of Bonan Oilfield
摘要: 油藏投入开发以后,其地下流体(油、气、水)的分布及状态将发生激烈的变化,找出这一规律及其约束对全面了解油藏的动态开发状况及稳产和制定下一步开发开方案以最大限度地开发好油藏具有重要意义。文章通过综合利用油藏工程方法研究油藏投入开发后的动态变化规律,立足于渤南油田五区的动态生产数据,用各种动态特征曲线法,观察、研究它们的变化规律,找出各种变化之间关系及它们的变化对生产的影响,分析各项开发指标的变化规律,并结合油藏的实际情况,动静结合,评价油田的动态开发效果,在此基础上研究了剩余油的分布规律Abstract: Fluids in reservoir change its state drasticly, when the reservoir is under development, though relations of the water oil are complicated and residual oil is disperse,the changing abides by some laws.This paper uses comprehensive reservoir engineering methods to research the relations of many kinds of dynamic development data and evaluate the development effect according to the dynamic and static documents of Bonan Oil Field, as a result, a comprehensive method of dynamic analysis of oil field development is presented. During research, the water drive curve and comparing method of indicators are used to analyze the development conditions in the development units and the whole region. Finally, the residual oil distribution is studied through this method in order to do well in the development next step.