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陈桂华. 珠江口盆地珠三坳陷南边界断裂发育方式分析及其意义[J]. 海洋石油, 2002, 22(3): 33-38.
引用本文: 陈桂华. 珠江口盆地珠三坳陷南边界断裂发育方式分析及其意义[J]. 海洋石油, 2002, 22(3): 33-38.
CHEN Gui hua. The Developing Patterns of South Boundary Fault in Zhu Ⅲ Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin and His Significance[J]. Offshore oil, 2002, 22(3): 33-38.
Citation: CHEN Gui hua. The Developing Patterns of South Boundary Fault in Zhu Ⅲ Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin and His Significance[J]. Offshore oil, 2002, 22(3): 33-38.


The Developing Patterns of South Boundary Fault in Zhu Ⅲ Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin and His Significance

  • 摘要: 利用断距展开图,借用构造研究中的回剥法,即断距展开回剥,判断各期半地堑的连接方式及发育级次,从而得到物源输入的位置,结合构造脊分析及地球化学分析判断油气运聚通道,指导油气勘探。分析认为珠江口盆地珠三坳陷南边界断裂发育方式可分为四种:即基本单元式、串连式、传递式、雁列式。根据各沉积物源输入处与神狐隆起上构造脊相配合研究及珠三坳陷文昌A、B生油凹陷的烃源岩演化特征,认为神狐隆起上存在三种相态烃运移通道,即文昌B凹陷-QH36-2通道,文昌A、B凹陷-WC15-1、CC2-1通道,文昌A凹陷-KP1-1通道。同时,综合分析盖层条件,提出QH36-2、WC15-1、CC2-1及WC20-1是神狐隆起上的有利勘探目标。


    Abstract: Utilize the Unfold of the Fault Throw along fault strike and the Back strip applied on structure research, viz. BUFT(the Back strip of the Unfold of the Fault Throw along fault strike) to judge the connect manner and level of half grabens, locating the point of terrigenous supply, combining structural ridge with geochemistry to judge the pathway of hydrocarbon, supervising the exploration of hydrocarbon. After analyzing the south boundary fault at Zhu Ⅲ Depression in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the developing patterns of the boundary fault in Zhu Ⅲ Depression is considered includes four patterns: (1)Basic;(2)Series connection; (3)Transfer; (4)En echelon. The different patterns have different terrigenous supply. It is clear that on the Shenhu massif have the migrating pathways of three hydrocarbon states,viz. Wencheng Sag B-QH36-2,Wencheng Sag B,A-WC15-1?CC2-1, Wencheng Sag A-KP1-1 and four prospects, viz. QH36-2, WC15-1, CC2-1 and WC20-1, by making integral analysis.


