PDC Bits Used Overview in the East China Sea
摘要: PDC钻头与牙轮钻头相比,有许多优点。文章将中海石油平湖钻完井项目组、中海石油上海公司、上海海洋石油局在东海地区施工中,PDC钻头的使用情况进行了统计,在钻头进尺、纯钻时间、机械钻速等方面进行了分析,阐明PDC钻头在海洋石油钻井中具有广泛的应用前景。Abstract: PDC bits have many advantages in comparison with rock bits. The article analyses the statistics of PDC bits usage by three companies of Pinghu Drilling and Completion Team,CNOOC China Limited Shanghai and Shanghai Offshore Petroleum Bureau.By analysing the drill footage, drilling time and the rate of penetration,the article presents that PDC bits should and would be used widely in the East China Sea either in production wells and exploration wells.