The Formation Conditions of Upper Paleozoic Coal-genetic Gas in the East Linqing Depression
摘要: 临清坳陷东部晚古生代石炭-二叠系含煤地层由煤层、暗色泥岩、灰岩及碎屑岩构成,前三者是煤成气的主要源岩。文章简单介绍了气源岩沉积学特征,重点研究了煤系烃源岩有机地球化学特征,对其生烃潜力给予了充分肯定,结合储盖层条件综合分析,预测区内有4种储盖组合、4种气藏类型,具备煤成气藏形成的基本地质条件,并指出研究区具有较大的煤成气勘探潜力。Abstract: Carboniferous and Permian coal-bearing formations in the east Linqing depression are composed of coal bed, dark mudstone and limestone and clastic rock. Main source rocks are made-up of coal bed, mudstone and limestone. This paper briefly introduced the sedimentary characteristics of gas source rocks. We studied the organic geo chemistry characteristics of source rocks of coal-bed and confirmed the potential of hydrocarbon-generating in this area. At the same time we forecasted that four types of reservoir-caprock assemblage and four types of gas pool exited in this area, combining with the comprehensive analysis of reservoir caprock conditions. We think that the studied area possess the basic formation conditions of coal-genetic gas pool and has large exploration potential of coal-gentic gas.