The Practice and Knowledge of Using PDC Bit in Xihu Trough, the East China Sea
摘要: 文章针对在东海西湖凹陷六口井311.2mm及215.9mm井眼所使用的PDC钻头统计分析,并结合笔者自己使用PDC钻头的实践,提出使用PDC钻头时注意环节,建议针对西湖凹陷地层的特点选择适合该地区的PDC钻头类型。Abstract: Based on analysis in the statistics of PDC bits used by six wells in Xihu Trough and the formation characteristic of Xihu Trough, the paper puts forward the type of PDC bit suited to the area. At the same time brings forward how to use PDC bits reasonably by experience of using PDC bit in the area.