Study and Application on Indepth Profile Control and Surfactant-flooding
摘要: 高含水期堵水调剖存在封堵半径小,增油有效期短的问题,地下仍有部分残余油和死油不能被驱出。现有的单一的调剖堵水工艺技术不能满足高含水期对改善层内、层间及平面矛盾的要求,以及动用水驱驱不到的剩余油。IPCS技术的目的就在于改善高含水期堵水调剖提高采收率的作用。文章介绍了IPCS技术的室内研究和现场应用情况。Abstract: The presented technology of profile control and water shutoff can't meet the need of improvement of inner interference of layer and interference between layers and draw on residual oil where water injection can't reach in the period of highly producing water. IPCS technology was aimed at improving the effection that water shutoff and profile control enhance recovery efficiency factor. This article introduces the inner study and on-the-spot application on IPCS technology.