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陈建波, 关振良. 图版法预测剩余油分布在张天渠油田中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(4): 51-54.
引用本文: 陈建波, 关振良. 图版法预测剩余油分布在张天渠油田中的应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(4): 51-54.
CHEN Jian-bo, GUAN Zhen-liang. The Plot Method Applied to Predict the Distribution of Remaining Oil in Zhangtianqu Oil Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(4): 51-54.
Citation: CHEN Jian-bo, GUAN Zhen-liang. The Plot Method Applied to Predict the Distribution of Remaining Oil in Zhangtianqu Oil Field[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(4): 51-54.


The Plot Method Applied to Predict the Distribution of Remaining Oil in Zhangtianqu Oil Field

  • 摘要: 以往对剩余油饱和度的空间分布特点,多是利用测井资料定性地研究,多数没有定量化,更很少对每口井的各小层(即时间单元)的剩余油分布做出定量的预测。本文利用图版法结合张天渠油田的生产实际寻找到一条定量预测某一时刻各井各小层剩余油分布的途径和方法。


    Abstract: In some researches on distributing rules of remaining oil, we often describe qualitatively what it distribute in the whole reservoir according to the character of distribution in space by studying the saturation of remaining oil. To accomplish it, we shall make use of logging data. But most of them can't be finished quantitatively, and there are scarcely quantitative forecast to the distribution of remaining oil about every tiny layer in every well. This paper will make it true to finish quantitative forecast. On basis of Zhangtianqu Oil Field, it discusses something on establishment of the plot method, such as thought, process, and conditions when it adopted. On the other hand, some conclusions on distribution of remaining oil can be drew according to the result, and it will lead the way to exploitation in the future.


