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徐文斌, 骆瑛. 江苏中低渗油藏开发初期合理井网密度方法的确定与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(4): 47-50.
引用本文: 徐文斌, 骆瑛. 江苏中低渗油藏开发初期合理井网密度方法的确定与应用[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(4): 47-50.
XU Wen-bin, LUO Ying. Determination of Method and Application Reasonable Well Pattern Density at Oilfield Development First Stage for Middle-low Permeability Reservoir in Jiangsu[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(4): 47-50.
Citation: XU Wen-bin, LUO Ying. Determination of Method and Application Reasonable Well Pattern Density at Oilfield Development First Stage for Middle-low Permeability Reservoir in Jiangsu[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(4): 47-50.


Determination of Method and Application Reasonable Well Pattern Density at Oilfield Development First Stage for Middle-low Permeability Reservoir in Jiangsu

  • 摘要: 合理井网密度是指导油田初期布井的关键决策参数,它的准确与否,直接和井数相关,特别是在小断块油田,井数不多的情况下,一两口井的多少直接影响该块的经济效益。文章运用谢尔卡乔夫关系式,回归出符合江苏小断块注水开发油田的流度与井网指数的经验关系式,并结合经济评价,建立油藏开发初期井网密度计算关系式。通过图解法确定合理实用井网密度,为油田开发初期整体井网部署提供依据。


    Abstract: Reasonable well pattern density is pivotal decision-making parameter at oilfield development first stage. Whether it is exact directly connect with the number of wells, especially in small fault-block oilfield, in the case of small number of wells, one or two wells directly affect economic benefit. Applying to Srkachef relational expression, we regress experiential expression of mobility and index of well pattern which meets combining economy estimating, the expression of well pattern density is built in oilfield development first stage. The reasonable well pattern density may be determined by graphic approach, and it can provide foundation for whole pattern deployment at oilfield development first stage.


