The Study and Application of Pipeline's Chemical Cleaning Inhibition of Gas H2S
摘要: 在油田集输管线化学清洗中会产生硫化氢有毒气体,对人畜造成伤害,污染环境。为此,从生产实际出发,开发研制ZY-1硫化氢抑制剂,通过室内性能评价及现场试验表明:ZY-1硫化氢抑制剂在积垢管线化学清洗中,能有效地抑制硫化氢气体的产生与释放,不影响清洗质量、施工安全。Abstract: Gas H2S is produced in the process of pipeline's chemical cleaning.This gas harms the health of humans and beasts.What's more,it cause pollution.In order to overcome these problems,by evaluation on the performance of ZY-1 H2S inhibiter and it's field testing result,we conclude that in the cleaning process of pipeline with ulfate scale.ZY-1 H2S inhibiter can effectively inhibit the producing and releasing of H2S gas, and has no bad effect on cleaning quality. The process is safe enough.