Oil/Gas Formation Dynamics System of Kendong High Arch
摘要: 文章针对垦东高凸起本身没有生烃能力,其油气来源于周围凹陷,具有油源多、距离远(5~45km)的特点,从成藏动力学系统出发,在分析讨论了垦东高凸起成藏动力学系统成藏条件和特点的基础上,将垦东纵向上划分出5个成藏动力子系统,平面上划分出4个成藏动力亚系统,并分析讨论了成藏动力亚系统的动态演化特点和成藏模式,指出桩东-垦东成藏动力亚系统虽运移距离远(10~45km),但由于动力强,砂岩疏导层、不整合面和断层共同组成的联络体系发育,圈闭条件好,成藏时期长(10Ma),因此是研究区最重要的成藏动力亚系统。Abstract: Kendong high arch is only covered by the Upper Tertiary. There are no oil source beds. Its oil/gas comes from four surrounding sags and the distance is far about 5~45km. Based on the analysis to oil/gas formation conditions of dynamics system of Kendong high arch, five oil/gas formation dynamics order systems in vertical are divided and four oil/gas formation dynamics sub-systems in lateral are recognized. The dynamics evolution process and oil/gas formation model are discussed. Finely the paper point out that most good oil/gas formation dynamics sub-systems is Zhuangdong-Kendong oil/gas formation dynamics sub-systems, which has high power, developed migration system, good traps and longer oil/gas formation time (10Ma).