Tectonic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potential in Yushan Uplift, the East China Sea
摘要: 鱼山凸起主要经历了坳陷、隆起抬升及区域披覆等三个时期的构造演化,中生代为沉积凹陷,新生代由于火山岩活动而成为凸起。鱼山凸起目前保存有厚达5000m的沉积层,这些地层为鱼山凸起提供了较好的生储盖条件。据地层、断裂、岩浆活动等资料分析,认为鱼山凸起具备了较好的生、储、盖和圈闭条件,应具有较好的油气远景。Abstract: The tectonic evolution can be divided into three stages in Yushan uplift. They are depression, tumescence and regional overlap. Yushan Uplift was trough in Mesozoic and uplift in Cenozoic because of the volcanicity. The sedimentary deposit has a thickness of more than 5000m in Yushan Uplift. According to the condition of source rock, reservoir, cap rock and trap, the oil and gas accumulation can be formed in Yushan Uplift.