Wave Impedance Inversion and Application on Reservoir Characterization in Canxue Field
摘要: 文章介绍了基于约束稀疏脉冲反演的测井约束波阻抗反演的基本原理和方法,约束稀疏脉冲反演假定地下反射系数是稀疏分布的,在地质模型和测井资料约束下反演出高分辨率波阻抗体,通过应用实例展示了测井约束波阻抗反演方法在东海残雪油气田储层追踪和气藏描述中的实际效果。Abstract: The paper introduce the theory and methods of log-constrained impedance inversion based on constrained sparse spike inversion (CSSI). On the assumption that the reflection coefficients of formation are sparse, CSSI can be used in high resolution 3D wave impedance inversion under the constraints of geology-model and log data. As an example, it is showed that the approach has effects on reservoir tracing and characterization in Canxue field, the East China Sea.