The Tectonic Styles of the Fault Depression Basin and Oil/Gas——The Example of the Eastern Sag of Liaohe Basin
摘要: 断陷盆地的不同时期形成了不同的构造样式,构造样式与沉积样式的相互响应、制约与配置,决定着含油气系统的静态地质要素和动态成藏组合过程,从而决定着油气的分布规律。不同时期的构造样式不但决定着相应时期的各类半地堑的生烃潜力,也决定着沉积体系的分布。构造样式与沉积体系的有效配置,决定了油气运移方向、方式及有利的构造岩相带。油气藏的形成与分布在不同时期、不同类型的半地堑是有一定的分布规律。现今的断陷盆地结构为不同时期的各种类型半地堑复合叠加形成的,油气藏的分布是不均衡的。油气藏形成演化研究及勘探实践表明:发育在滚动半地堑和在复式半地堑中的各种类型的背斜油气藏的勘探潜力最大,其次是构造岩性油气藏。搞清油气在不同时期半地堑中的分布规律对于寻找油气特别是寻找隐蔽油气藏具有重大意义。Abstract: There were different structures in different period on the fault depression basin. The structure style and sedimentary system responded, and collocated each other, therefore controlled the static geologic elements and the dynamic constitution of reservoirs formatting in the petroleum systems and decided the distribution of oil and gas. Structure styles in different period not only decided the hydrocarbon generating potential of all kinds of half-graben but also the distribution of sedimentary systems. The migration direction, style of oil and gas distribution and the advantageous structure and lithofacies belts were controlled by the effective correspondence of structure style and sedimentary systems. There were some disciplinarian in different half-graben of different period. Today's half-graben were overlapped by all kinds of half-graben of different period, in which oil and gas distribution were not equilibrium. The potential of the oil and gas were maximum in anticline reservoirs developing in roller half-graben, half-graben and ramp-sag, and next were structural-lithologic reservoirs, which was indicated by the reservoirs formation and evolution. The meaning that made it clear of the principles on distribution of oil and gas was significant especially to hidden reservoirs.