The Logging Methods of Oil & Gas Cutting Lithology in Using PDC Bit Drilling at the East China Sea
摘要: 文章叙述了PDC钻头的特点及对录井的影响,在使用PDC钻头钻井时的油气荧光录井法,油气色谱录井法以及定量、定性二种色谱仪在油气录井中的使用区别,特殊的岩屑录井法:除利用钻时归位岩性外,着重讲述了钻井参数中的钻压参数、扭矩、顶驱转速、以及气测分析值与岩性的关系,同时借助显微镜综合判断岩性的方法。Abstract: This paper presented the specialty of PDC bit and the affect on mud logging, mainly discused the logging methods of oil gas fluorescence, chromatagram, cutting lithology, and indicated the distinction of the general FID and ReservalTM FID in oil gas logging, emphasized on the methods of the cutting lithology logging with drilling parameter.