Causes of Abnormal Inclination Build-up and Following Techniques in ChengBei 322 Well
摘要: 文章介绍了埕北322井钻遇的地层特征,采用的井身结构,以及钻进中引起的复杂情况,阐述了造成井斜过大的原因和PDC钻头使用中存在的不足,提出了避免井斜过大须采取的技术措施和在该地区钻井钻头合理选型的建议。Abstract: This paper briefly introduces the formation characteristic and the casing structure in ChengBei 322 Well, as well as downhole problems occurred during drilling through 311.2 mm section. And it also describes the causes of abnormal inclination build-up and deficiencies of using PDC bit. Some suggestions are brought forword on how to prevent from abnormal inclination build-up and how to select PDC bit in that area.