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陈志香. 高集油田高7区阜宁组储层非均质性及剩余油分布[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 51-54.
引用本文: 陈志香. 高集油田高7区阜宁组储层非均质性及剩余油分布[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 51-54.
CHEN Zhi-xiang. The Reservoir Heterogeneity and Remaining Oil Distribution in Funing Formation in the Seventh Block of Gaoji Oilfield[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 51-54.
Citation: CHEN Zhi-xiang. The Reservoir Heterogeneity and Remaining Oil Distribution in Funing Formation in the Seventh Block of Gaoji Oilfield[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 51-54.


The Reservoir Heterogeneity and Remaining Oil Distribution in Funing Formation in the Seventh Block of Gaoji Oilfield

  • 摘要: 文章把储层特征的非均质性与生产动态紧密结合,分析了储层非均质性对注水开发效果的影响及对剩余油分布的控制作用。研究结果表明,在平面上,构造高部及在边缘相带的薄砂体中,形成了剩余油饱和度相对高值区;在垂向上非主力层砂体发育局限,呈透镜状,物性也较差,油层厚度薄,剩余储量有限,但剩余油饱和度高;储层层内非均质性模式主要是正韵律和复合正韵律。剩余油主要集中在正韵律的上部低渗区,复合正韵律的上部和下部相对低渗区。针对剩余油分布富集区,进行了注采井网调整,取得了较好的开发效果。


    Abstract: The sandstone reservoir of Funing formation in the seventh block of Gaoji oilfield is of high heterogeneity, which controls the distribution of remaining oil and influences the effect of development. In the plane, a zone with high remaining oil saturation was formed in the sand edge of the non-major facies, top position of the formation. In vertical section, non-major reservoir sandstone is restricted and distributed as the lens. The porosity and permeability are low, and the thickness of oil reservoir is small. Although its remaining petroleum is not abundant, saturation is higher than others. The major models for inlayer heterogeneity are positive rhythm and complex positive rhythm. The top of the reservoir with the positive rhythm and the top and bottom of the reservoir with the complex positive rhythm contain abundant remaining oil, which supplies reliable geology foundation and points to the dominant adjustment direction.


