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蔡国钢, 张坤, 刘立, 张晓英. 辽河盆地东部凹陷中部火山岩储层特征研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 32-37.
引用本文: 蔡国钢, 张坤, 刘立, 张晓英. 辽河盆地东部凹陷中部火山岩储层特征研究[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 32-37.
CAI Guo-gang, ZHANG Kun, LIU Li, ZHANG Xiao-ying. The Reservoir Characteristics of the Middle Section Volcanic Rock of the Eastern Sag on Liaohe Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 32-37.
Citation: CAI Guo-gang, ZHANG Kun, LIU Li, ZHANG Xiao-ying. The Reservoir Characteristics of the Middle Section Volcanic Rock of the Eastern Sag on Liaohe Basin[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 32-37.


The Reservoir Characteristics of the Middle Section Volcanic Rock of the Eastern Sag on Liaohe Basin

  • 摘要: 辽河盆地东部凹陷中部沙三段地层中发育了三期厚度不等的火山岩,是该区主要的储层之一。通过对该区火山岩喷发时代、岩石类型、储层物性及裂缝特征的研究,认为该套火山岩岩性主要为粗面岩、玄武岩及凝灰岩三种,其中储层岩性以粗面岩为主,基质物性较差,后期受构造裂缝的改造,成为有利储层。并建立了火山岩储层分类评价标准。确认本区优质粗面岩储层主要分布于构造破碎带上,厚度在20~200m之间。


    Abstract: There were different strength volcanic rock of three periods developing in the Shasan member of the middle of the eastern sag on Liaohe Basin and the volcanic rock were one of the important reservoirs. Through the study of the ages of volcanic rock extruding, the rock types, the reservoir's physical features and the fracture characteristics, it was considered that volcanic lithology is mainly trachyte, basalt and tuff, there into the reservoir lithologies are mainly trachyte, the physical character of the matrix was not so good and became the advantageous reservoir rebuilt by the later tectonic movements. The classifing standard of volcanic rock reservoir was built.It was considered that the advantageous reservoir were mainly distributed on tectonic broken belt, the thickness was between 20~200 meters.


