The Formation Causes Analyzing of Low Permeability Reservoir, DaNiuDi Gas Field in North of EErDuoSi Basin
摘要: 大牛地气田是鄂北塔巴庙大气田的一部分,主要储集层为上古生界山西组一段,文章首先通过对大量的实验数据的统计分析认定其属于低孔、特低渗气田储层,然后分别从储层成岩作用和储层微观孔隙结构特征两个方面分析其低孔、特低渗储层形成的原因,最后初步分析了控制和影响本区储层物性的几个因素。Abstract: DaNiuDi gas field is a part of TaBaMiao big gas field. The reservoir is the first member of ShanXi formation of Paleozoic Erathem. This paper confirms that it belongs to the low porosity and extraordinarily low permeability reservoir by statistics analyzing based on a great deal of lab data. And analyzed the formative cause from two sides:the diagenesis and the microcosmic pore structure of the reservoir. This paper also analyzing factors which control and affect the reservoir's porosity and permeability in this district.