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秦永霞, 姜素华, 王永诗. 斜坡带油气成藏特征与勘探方法——以济阳坳陷为例[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 14-20.
引用本文: 秦永霞, 姜素华, 王永诗. 斜坡带油气成藏特征与勘探方法——以济阳坳陷为例[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 14-20.
QIN Yong-xia, JIANG Su-hua, WANG Yong-shi. Pool-forming Features and Exploration Methods for Oil and Gas in Slope Zone[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 14-20.
Citation: QIN Yong-xia, JIANG Su-hua, WANG Yong-shi. Pool-forming Features and Exploration Methods for Oil and Gas in Slope Zone[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 14-20.


Pool-forming Features and Exploration Methods for Oil and Gas in Slope Zone

  • 摘要: 以济阳坳陷为例,概要论述了箕状断陷的结构特征,把斜坡带分为宽缓型、窄陡型、双元型三种类型,研究了不同类型斜坡带油气藏类型、油气控制因素及分布规律,指出在宽缓斜坡带主要以形成上第三系构造-岩性油藏、下第三系岩性油气藏、地层超覆不整合油藏、构造-地层油气藏及前第三系的地层剥蚀不整合油藏为特征;窄陡斜坡带主要形成断块油藏、断块-岩性油藏、滚动背斜油藏;双元斜坡带主要形成潜山油藏、地层不整合油藏及断块-岩性油气藏。在此基础上,建立了以综合地质分析为基础,以高分辨率层序地层学、测井约束反演、三维可视化技术等为手段的斜坡带综合勘探方法,提高了斜坡带的勘探效果,也为类似盆地斜坡带的勘探提供了成功的经验。


    Abstract: This paper presents briefly the structure features of half-graben depression in Jiyang and divides the slope belt into three types, i.e, wide-gentle, narrow-abrupt and double-structure slope zones. By analyzing the types of hydrocarbon reservoir, the factors controlling hydrocarbon distribution and rules of it, we suggest that the wide-gentle slope belt develops the upper tertiary structural-lithologic reservoir, lower tertiary lithologic reservoir, stratigraphic onlap unconformity reservoir, structural-stratigraphic reservoir and pre-tertiary unconformity reservoir of stratigraphic degradation, the narrow-abrupt slope zone develops fault block oil reservoir, fault block-stratigraphic oil reservoir and rolling anticlinal oil reservoir and the double-structure slope belt develops buried hill oil reservoir, stratigraphic unconformity oil reservoir and fault block-lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. Based on the above, we can explore them by means of integrated geologic analysis, high resolution sequence stratigraphy and log constrained inversion and 3D-visualization comprehensively. It is very efficient exploration of slope zones and will provide some experience for exploration on slope zones of the similar basin.


