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常志铎. 苏皖中、古生界天然气类型及成藏模式分析[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 7-13.
引用本文: 常志铎. 苏皖中、古生界天然气类型及成藏模式分析[J]. 海洋石油, 2003, 23(2): 7-13.
CHANG Zhi-duo. Jiangsu-Anhui Mesozoic-Paleozoic Gas Types and the Analysis of Pool-forming Model[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 7-13.
Citation: CHANG Zhi-duo. Jiangsu-Anhui Mesozoic-Paleozoic Gas Types and the Analysis of Pool-forming Model[J]. Offshore oil, 2003, 23(2): 7-13.


Jiangsu-Anhui Mesozoic-Paleozoic Gas Types and the Analysis of Pool-forming Model

  • 摘要: 苏、皖地区属于多旋回沉积盆地,区内沉积了下青龙组(T1x)、二叠系、高家边组(S1g)-五峰组(O3w)、幕府山组(∈1mu)等多套烃源岩,具有丰富的生成天然气的物质基础。同时,根据对烃源岩有机质成熟度的分析,本区多数烃源岩都达到了成熟、高成熟,甚至过成熟,达到了以产气为主的阶段。已有钻井中的天然气显示表明,本区天然气类型有烃类气和非烃类气,同时也显示苏皖地区天然气成因类型的多样性。经对HQ二氧化碳气田的研究认为,本区储层条件较差,后期的构造裂缝及溶蚀孔洞是本区天然气的重要储集空间;由于本区经历了挤压与拉张多期次复杂构造运动,断层十分发育,经对HQ二氧化碳气田成藏模式研究认为,断层在油气藏的形成过程中起着重要的沟通作用。HQ二氧化碳气田的发现,反映本区海相中、古生界有较好的成藏地质条件,展示了有利的天然气勘探前景。


    Abstract: The type of Jiangsu and Anhui basin is a polycycle basin. There are four hydrocarbon source layers like Xiaqinglong formation(T1x), Permian system, Gaojiabian(S1g)-Wufeng formation(O3w), Mufushan formation(∈1mu). The organic matter is abundant for forming gas pools. We learned from the study of organic matter maturity that the maturity of many hydrocarbon source rocks had been mature, highmature, even postmature. Many hydrocarbon source rocks has been the phase of mainly generating gas. We learn from the study the drilled wells that there are hydrocarbon and non-hydrcarbon gas in the area. According to the research of HQ dioxide gasfield, we found the tectonic fracture-pore and fracture-solution cavity are the mail reservoirs; faults take great roles for the oil-gas pool-forming. The discovery of HQ dioxide gasfield indicates that the geological conditions is better for the pool-forming of Mesozoic-Paleozoic, so we have the bright future for gas exploration.


