Discussion on the Origin of Gas-hydrate and Exploration Prospect in China Offshore
摘要: 根据天然气水合物地质分布特征以及在热液条件非生物成因甲烷的碳同位素组成,表明:分布于极地、大陆永冻土带及洋底(缺少或缺失沉积物)的天然气水合物极有可能是一种热液烃,这种烃为无机合成的产物。提出了相应的天然气水合物的形成模式,这种模式很好地解释了巨量的天然气水合物的生成。对中国海域天然气水合物的勘探前景作了分析。Abstract: Based on gas-hydrate distribution and carbon isotopic compositions of abiogenic methane under hydrothermal conditions, it is shown that gas-hydrate might be a hydrothermal hydrocarbon which is formed by inorganic synthesis. A special hydrocarbon formation model is presented. The exploration prospect of natural gas hydrate in China offshore is reviewed.