Factors Analysis about Non-resistance Flow of Gas Well Defined by “Spot Measurement”
摘要: 气井单点试井工艺简单、成本低,已广泛应用于确定、评价气井产能。但人们却往往忽视了"单点法"确定的气井无阻流量的准确性。文章通过理论研究结合实例计算分析,发现影响"单点法"无阻流量准确性的主要因素为经验产能公式、测试时间、流动末期井底回压。从机理上分析了各因素对计算无阻流量的影响程度,指出了当前单点试井存在的问题,从而对单点试井提出了合理化建议及测试技术界限。这对单点产能试井设计、根据"单点法"得到可靠无阻流量起到重要指导作用。Abstract: As the spot measurment is simple and costs low, it is widely used in evaluating the off-take potential of gas well. This paper presents factors influencing the accurary of this measurment, including empirical equation, testing time, downhole uplift pressure. We have analyzed influencing degress of this factors to counting non-resistance flow and propose reasonable ideas and technical limit of the measurement.