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任宏, 刘志伟, 王荣飞, 张建斌, 边亭亭. 高温条件下随钻测井作业难点与对策[J]. 海洋石油, 2024, 44(4): 62-65, 101. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2024.04.062
引用本文: 任宏, 刘志伟, 王荣飞, 张建斌, 边亭亭. 高温条件下随钻测井作业难点与对策[J]. 海洋石油, 2024, 44(4): 62-65, 101. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2024.04.062
REN Hong, LIU Zhiwei, WANG Rongfei, ZHANG Jianbin, BIAN Tingting. Difficulties and Countermeasures of Drilling Logging Operations under High Temperature Conditions[J]. Offshore oil, 2024, 44(4): 62-65, 101. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2024.04.062
Citation: REN Hong, LIU Zhiwei, WANG Rongfei, ZHANG Jianbin, BIAN Tingting. Difficulties and Countermeasures of Drilling Logging Operations under High Temperature Conditions[J]. Offshore oil, 2024, 44(4): 62-65, 101. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2336.2024.04.062


Difficulties and Countermeasures of Drilling Logging Operations under High Temperature Conditions

  • 摘要: 近年来,随着渤海油田逐渐向深层迈进,深层、超深层将成为勘探开发的主战场,对高温随钻工具的需求也逐渐增多。但部分高端随钻测井仪器无法满足高温作业需求,给高温条件下随钻测井资料录取带来巨大挑战。该文通过调整作业思路,对于高于130 ℃井段采用边循环、边下钻模式,同时应用下放测量模式录取测井资料;温度高于175 ℃的井使用泥浆冷却系统降温。该方法在渤海油田取得了良好的应用效果,解决了常温随钻测井仪器在高温作业条件下的资料录取难题,具有非常广阔的应用前景。


    Abstract: In recent years, with Bohai Oilfield gradually moving towards deep layer, deep and ultra-deep layer will become the main battlefield of exploration and development, and the demand for high temperature LWD (logging while drilling) tools is also gradually increasing. However, some high-end LWD tools cannot meet the needs of high-temperature operation, which brings great challenge to LWD data acquisition under high temperature conditions. In this paper, by adjusting the operation idea, the circulating while drilling mode is adopted for the well section higher than 130 ℃, and the lower measurement mode is applied to record the logging data. The wells with the temperature higher than 175 ℃ are cooled by mud cooling system. This method has achieved good application results in Bohai Oilfield, which solves the data acquisition problem of normal temperature LWD tool under high temperature operation conditions, and has a very broad application prospect.


